24 March, 2006

Overheard at a cafe

"Why something important occurs when we are absent?" This happens. 101 out of 100 times. Its like a giant cosmic phenomena since the Big Bang that happens in our everyday life. And I was absent on that day even. May be I was ridden badly with loose motions after having an Andhra meal. I have experienced this at every stage of life, till now. In school, college or at workplace. After a long monotonicity of a mechanical schedule, you decide to take a day off. Or forced to after eating that spice loaded lunch. The very next day, when you arrive the first thing that rings your ear, that something great happened yesterday. The person who informs you has temporarily filled in for Gabriel. And he/she never forgets to add the most irritating line, "Dude you missed it !". And ensures that you feel like an imbecile for remaining absent on that eventful day. Coming back to the "phenomena", the important question is why does this happen at all? It seems like there is a huge "stack" of exciting things waiting to happen. And the moment you choose to be absent from the scene. Thud ! One "exciting thing" falls in that void. As if you were obstructing its space with your pathetically long existence. The exciting things can be anything from a day-long outdoor trip or a class photo taken or a long awaited jam session of your college band or somebody kicking your Boss hard in the balls which renders him bed ridden for the next week. Now that means your Boss is going to miss a week long fun that you and your colleagues going to have. Whatever it is, it teaches us one important thing. No matter how boring your schedule becomes or how spicy your food is or how tempting the movie/match is, never let the giant "stack" dump anything to fill in your meaningless existence. Even if you get kicked in your balls, shift your bed precise enough not to let anything take your place. technorati tag: life


Anonymous said...

I liked this one the most. Good work dude.


Cosmic Voices said...

it reminds me of my class 10 at school. i was elected as the class captain on the day i was absent