26 March, 2006

A day well spent

A day when your whole surrounding becomes laidback. Roads are emptier. Sheds filled with vehicles till late afternoon. Kids out of their home to play early. Some cars going packed for some outing. Multiplexes, malls and eateries filled teeming with crowd. Bus stops with people not dressed in their work cloths/uniforms. Balconies generally remaining empty on weekdays, stuffed with cloths to dry, telling residents are work people. My idle sunday. Psyched out by the sheer delirium of the week, a day long peace is welcomed with such fervour that trading it with any outdoor activity is out of question. Waking up late in the morning, having a sumptuous lunch, deep siesta and a long quiet evening. A day spent exclusively with oneself. Next: Monday Coming !! technorati tag: life

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