17 November, 2004

Well the days are getting longer...

With the annual function preparation at the full swing, we really have some tough schedule to follow. The best part is getting to know all the things needed to make a event & more things needed to make it succesful. Missing out small details really screws up the whole event sometime. And sometime paying a great too much attention to another detail, turns out to be trivial at last. With me going to college in the morning & getting back in evening makes me dog tired.... Yesterday I gulped down two Disprins just to get some sleep. But on the other hand, I have some work on hand. Atleast I am getting to learn something or the other each day. Well why the hell I am babbling all this? Maybe because I spend too much time in the college dealing with all this stuff. But sometime holding responsibility makes you too eventcentric or may be eccentric.