07 November, 2004


Although I carve six other Sundays out of a week (by bunking classes), the real one is always a pleasure to have. At least this day I always follow a schedule. Sleeping till 8-8:30am, then read the newspaper and have a cup of coffee. Then spend the rest of the day as much as possible in my room. Listening some music, working on the PC or have a book to read. Hey, I also sleep a lot. Then in the evening I may venture out for go out for an hour or two. For me a Sunday is always a real holiday. Since my school days, I always have a different feeling about Sunday. This day always stands out from rest of the day... Even in the middle of a three month long vacation, Sunday always meant a genuine holiday. Somehow I could feel it in the air(just like "Love is in the air"), that everyone is having a holiday. Maybe because there is not the usual hustle & bustle of the office goers or absence of the school goers at the bus stops or many other things which usually identifies a work day...... even if U get any other holiday in the weekdays, it never has that same feeling of being a Sunday. May be we are conditioned for that. At least I am!

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