07 November, 2004

Google strikes (off) terror !

Google is now doing what it has been doing best....Censoring "Try searching Google Images for abu ghraib, lynndie england, or Lynndie's boyfriend charles graner and note how you don't get any pictures of US soldiers torturing Iraqi prisoners of war. Now try it with some of their competitors, like AltaVista, Lycos, or Yahoo!. Google used to be able to find them, as is discussed in this AnandTech forum thread." I'm guesing that this is another case of our administration confusing "National Security" with "Politically Undesirable" -Slashdot Check these links: http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.aspx?catid=52&threadid=1410716 http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/04/11/07/1442217.shtml?tid=153&tid=226&tid=217

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